Training and Assessment services | Our Management and staff are committed to providing Training and Assessment services, resources, support and equipment in a condition and environment that is conducive with achieving competency in the units of study undertaken. |
Issuance of Qualifications | We will promptly provide copies of all qualification and statements of attainment achieved by enrolled students and provide ongoing assistance to enquiring students with regard to their record of course progress, achievements and statements of attainment. |
Financial Management | We will apply sound and accountable financial practices within its day-to-day operations and maintains its adherence to equitable refund policies. (These are explained in the student enrolment form) |
Records and Information Management | We are committed to implementing best practice in its records management practices and systems, responding in a timely manner to all requests of information from present and past students. All staff employed by us will be required to apply themselves to the provisions of the Privacy and Protection of Personal Information Act 1998. |
Access and Equity | We provide assistance to all clients to identify and achieve their desired outcomes. The RTO is committed to providing training and assessment services to all clients regardless of race, religion, sex, socio-economic status, disability, language, literacy or numeracy and upholds the principles of equal opportunity. |
RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) | We are committed to supporting The RPL enquiries and requests from potential and enrolled students. Enrolling students are supplied with relevant RPL information at initial contact and orientation events prior to undertaking studies. Further support is provided with relevant RPL tools following RPL application. |
Stakeholder feedback | We are committed to securing and reviewing advice and feedback from all its stakeholders involved in the delivery of its Training and Assessment services. |
Provision of information | We provide clear and accurate advice to all enrolling students. Initial contact, orientation and the commencement of studies is supported by the provision of timely information concerning enrolment procedures, vocational outcomes, fees, access and equity, guidance and support, complaints and appeals procedures and RPL and/ or credit transfer arrangements. |
Legislative Compliance | Our Management and staff conducts periodic reviews to ensure that it is compliant with all state and federal legislative requirements for RTO’s including but not limited to OH&S, Harassment, Discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Vocational Education and training legislation. |
Marketing Accuracy | Our Management and staff are committed to marketing its training and assessment services in an accurate, ethical and responsible manner ensuring that all clients are provided with timely and necessary information. |
Complaints and Appeals | The complaints and appeals policy ensures that all complaints are dealt with in a constructive and timely manner. All complaints and appeals shall be reported in the weekly management meeting and corrective solution forms shall be raised detailing the actions required to arrive at satisfactory resolve of each complaint and grievance. |